Sunday, May 25, 2014

Soto Daging

Soto Daging understandably dominated by meat , if that would be added jerohan beef can also be done but this will add time to the process of workmanship as to clean the cow jerohan . Instead kaldunya increasingly feel that aroma can also use a Reinforcement or ribs . Let us listen completely recipes and how to make this beef soto

Soto Daging
Soto Daging Recipe

Materials / seasoning beef soto :

½ kg beef (choose the myopic sandung / sengkel )
½ kilogram Bones Iga
4 kaffir lime leaves , discard the bones
3 teaspoons of salt
3 tablespoons of cooking oil , for frying
3 centimeters ginger , crushed
2 pieces of leaves
2 stalks lemongrass , take bonggolnya / white part , crushed
½ tablespoon granulated sugar
Enough water to boil the meat

Condiments ( chopped ) :
9 cloves garlic
3 cloves shallots
4 items hazelnut , toasted
1 vertebra turmeric finger , burned
1 segment finger ginger , crushed
½ tablespoon coriander
½ teaspoon finely ground pepper

Complementary material :
Garlic fries for distribution
Celery and onion sufficiently fine sliced ​​for topping
Col. sufficiently soft dirajang
Adequately sprouts , scalded , drained
Soun adequately flush the hot water , drained
2 red tomatoes , sliced

Cayenne chilli ( finely chopped ) :
17 red chili sauce , boiled
3 cloves garlic, boiled
1 clove onion, boiled
¼ teaspoon salt

How to Make Soto Daging
Stew beef , Reinforcement , bay leaves, lemongrass , galangal and lime leaves until the meat is tender and the water remaining ± 2 ½ liters. lift the meat , cut into cubes or to taste
Heat oil , saute ground spices until fragrant , remove and put into sauce braised beef stock. Boil back to a boil . Sample .
Pick up and ready served

Catering suggestions :
Prepare a bowl, add cabbage , bean sprouts , glass noodles and sliced ​​tomatoes
Flush with gravy and meat soto
Enjoy with sauce cayenne pepper

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