Saturday, May 24, 2014

Rendang Egg

Recipe rendang egg or eggs are also commonly referred to as seasoning rendang . The material is very easy to find so it can be used as a quick and practical recipes . Alternatively , you can also use quail eggs ( just adjust the recipe ) . Let's please just listened rendang recipe menu that we present today .

Rendang Eggs and Delicious Recipes Made Quick
Rendang Eggs Recipe

Rendang eggs this one could be a variation of cooking at home , if yesterday 've tried the beef rendang recipe now turn to the other . There really is not an absolute must is round , which has diceplok also be used as flavoring egg dishes is rendang . Let us refer to the recipe and how to make rendang egg follows .

Ingredients :

Item 8 hard-boiled eggs , peeled
500 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut fruit
1 turmeric leaf sheet , make a slip knot
2 bay leaves
Chicken flavor , taste
Cooking oil to taste

Seasonings ( mashed ) :

4 pieces chili curly
1 large red chilli fruit
1 centimeter ginger
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 stalk lemongrass , white part
1 centimeter galangal
1 teaspoon of coriander powder
7 pieces of red onion
6 cloves of garlic
4 items hazelnut

How to make rendang egg

After all peeled , fried until golden brown all or skinned . remove and drain
Stir-fry all the spices , add turmeric and bay leaves . Stir-fry until fragrant
Enter the coconut milk and flavoring, mix well
Cook until sauce shrink and oily , lift .
Tara had finished cooking ..

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