Saturday, May 24, 2014

Beef Rendang Padang

Ingredients shady :

1 kg of fresh beef and lean better
10 cups coconut milk elderly , ± 3 coconuts

Spices beef rendang :

2 pieces of turmeric leaves , make a knot
2 kaffir lime leaves , lower leaves removed
2 tamarind
1 stalk lemongrass , dimemarkan / digeprek
Salt kitchen , ample
Spices shady ( mashed ) :
100 grams of minced red chili , chili can also use a strong need to process
13 cloves shallot
8 cloves garlic
4 Pecan
1 centimeter ginger
1 ½ centimeters laos , digeprek / dimemarkan

How to Make Beef Rendang

Clean first and then cut into pieces of lean beef to taste / needs . set aside
Rebuslah coconut milk in a pan using medium heat , put in the spices that have been mashed , lime leaves , turmeric leaves and tamarind
Boiled in coconut milk and spices is still stirring so as not to break until thickened
Once boiled remove the oil, add the beef pieces were dpotong
Last and is part of the core : mixed and stirred continuously , not to stop until sauce is quite dry and shady brown and tender meat
Pick up and ready served

Enjoy special beef rendang rice field with green chili sauce warm , and do not forget the veggies to counter the effects of cholesterol meat. Oops .. safe to try to make based on beef rendang recipe

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