Monday, May 26, 2014

Sayur Asem

Sayur Asem very tasty , fresh and this favors especially when the weather is warm or hot , right .. It fits when used as a lunch menu . It feels special , tamarind , spicy and fresh sayur asem menu is often present in the restaurant or food stalls nearby . As a supplement or complement the joy of vegetables this a million people could combined with shrimp sauce and fish sauce are slim. highly favors

Sayur Asem Recipes
Sayur Asem

Vegetable tamarind sauce recipe and it's quite make easy usually marketed as medicine is prepared packets of Sayur Asem full , so we stayed asem preparing vegetable salad . In fact , if you want faster can use ready-made meals , but flavor will seem more palatable when make own marinade , because the recipes are quite easy to manufacture.

Do not know ? please listen completely following Sayur Asem recipes

Materials needed :

  1. Unripe papaya 100 grams , cut into pieces
  2. 50 grams melinjo
  3. 50 grams of leaves melinjo
  4. 5 long beans , cut into pieces
  5. 4 pieces of cabbage , remove the strongest terms , cut into pieces
  6. 2 tablespoons peanut
  7. 2 liters of water
  8. 1 piece of sweet corn , cut into 3 sections so
  9. ½ fruit squash , cut into cubes
  10. ½ stick eggplant , cut into pieces

Sayur Asem salad ( chopped )

  1. 6 items hazelnut
  2. 5 red onions
  3. 3 cloves garlic
  4. 2 pieces of red chilli
  5. 2 tsp of tamarind
  6. 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  7. ½ tsp shrimp paste
  8. salt

Spices :

  1. 2 pieces of leaves
  2. 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  3. 1 vertebra finger galangal , smashed

How to Make Sayur Asem
Cook the water to boil, add the vegetables first or hard materials such as corn , melinjo and peanuts , boiled until soft
Add the spices that have been mashed , bay leaves and galangal , wait until boiling
Add remaining vegetables that have not been included. Sample
Add any less salt or to be more fresh tamarind
Remove from heat and serve.

In addition to flavor vegetables tamarind , tamarind can also be substituted with tomatoes are still green, the taste is still there but still asamnya difference when using tamarind . Brown sugar can also be replaced with sugar, but the result is going to be more clear . pungent flavor can be added to or reduced by removing the red chili beans .

Safe to try.

Tumis Kangkung

Tumis Kangkung simple tasty recipe is certainly easy , fast and practical manufacturing process . Stir-fry dishes or Cah called fast in its processing is necessary because if it could eventually wilted vegetables . Although rapid course one should also note that the composition of cooking spice will not wilt generated stir and marinade still felt . Well Tumis Kangkung will feel more comfortable and enjoyable when served when the rain because the atmosphere can be more restful sleep . just kidding

Tumis Kangkung Recipe Delicious
Tumis Kangkung Recipe
Tumis Kangkung

Tumis Kangkung quite attractive and fits with any side dish , side dish suitable one is fried tempeh , fried chicken and fried fish . In addition to making Tumis Kangkung also simple and easy not required additional spices , enough onion, garlic and soy sauce . If you've never tried to check out the recipe and how to make Tumis Kangkung following :

The materials / seasoning Tumis Kangkung

  1. 2-3 tie kangkung , cleaned and siangi , set aside
  2. 2 cloves Onion , thinly sliced ​​, set aside
  3. 3 Garlic cloves , thinly sliced ​​, set aside
  4. 2 tablespoons amargarin or 3 tablespoons cooking oil , for sauteing
  5. 1 piece red pepper , sliced ​​thin oblique , set aside
  6. 150 ml water
  7. White sugar , to taste
  8. Salt , to taste
  9. Sweet soy sauce , to taste

How to Make Tumis Kangkung
Heat oil or butter over low heat , saute garlic and onion until fragrant smell
Include sliced ​​red pepper stir proceed by entering kangkung that has been weeded . Stir briefly , add water
Add sugar , salt and soy sauce , mix well do not forget to taste
Cook until the flavors to infuse . lift
Serve while still warm

To adjust the number of servings could stir well of course the main ingredient or marinade as needed. As for the red pepper slices just a natural course that has a color cooking so much flavor and appetizing .. green and red .

Good luck Tumis Kangkung recipe

Nasi Goreng Jawa

Nasi Goreng Jawa is tasty , practical and special taste of this has yet to be confirmed 100 % coming from the ground or from East Java, Central Java , nevertheless able to make the tongue taste so rocked . If a simple fried rice is better suited served breakfast menu , but if that does not seem right that should be served as breakfast for special materials Javanese fried rice is more, it would be appropriate when presented to an afternoon or evening meal .

Nasi Goreng Jawa

Nasi Goreng Jawa Recipe

Nasi Goreng Jawa is in addition to any extra special egg fried rice as well as others here also there are additional beef , shrimp and shrimp paste . If you have this course imaginable delicacy , which obviously must be very delicious and tasty .

Listen directly recipes and how to make fried rice the following java :

Ingredients :

  1. 250 grams of beef , wash
  2. 100 grams of shrimp , peeled and clean
  3. 2 plates of white rice
  4. 2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
  5. 2 tablespoons oil
  6. 3 tablespoons of water stew
  7. Bean sprouts are long enough , and clean siangi
  8. Mustard to taste , and clean siangi

Fried Rice Seasoning Java ( mashed ) :

  1. 6 spring onions
  2. 4 cloves of garlic
  3. 4 Cayenne
  4. 1 teaspoon shrimp paste
  5. 1 teaspoon coriander
  6. 1 teaspoon salt
  7. ½ teaspoon sugar

Supplementary Material Nasi Goreng Jawa :

  1. Cucumber taste , peeled and chopped
  2. Moderation Tomatoes , Thinly slice
  3. Fried onions to taste , for sprinkling
  4. Prawn crackers taste
  5. 2 eggs , scrambled or fried in

Java How to Make Nasi Goreng Jawa
Boil meat until tender , remove and drain , cut the meat to taste
Prepare the cooking oil and fry the spices that have been mashed until fragrant
Add water and soy sauce stew , stir-fry again until blended
Enter the sliced ​​beef and shrimp and stir briefly
Next enter the white rice and mix well using a small flame
Last insert vegetables ( bean sprouts and mustard greens ) , stir quickly all flat . lift
Ready to be served with supplementary materials

Do not forget , for those who do not like spicy , better cored red chillies to reduce the spicy taste . And for the same presentation with other fried rice , put on a plate and sprinkle with fried onions and add other complementary materials .

Good luck Javanese fried rice recipe

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Soto Kudus

Soto Kudus is very tasty as well as a typical marinade , chicken as its main ingredient , using a young chicken of course will produce delicious taste and aroma so tempting . In order to enjoy delicious soup is the original Kudus central java does not need to go to the place of origin , these days you can just try to make yourself at home .

Chicken Soto Kudus
Recipe of the Soto Kudus

Soto Kudus , soto Betawi and various other would be more delicious when enjoyed in hot conditions either with rice or not . For supplementary material to stay adjusted , while the more dominant complementary soto kudus is bean sprouts or sprouts . Well if you can use chili sauce that we serve .

So please read the following information soto kudus recipe

The main ingredient
1 of young chickens
1500 ml of water
cooking oil , for sauteing
2 bay leaves
2 stalks lemongrass , take the whiteness , crushed

Other spices ( crushed ) :
9 pieces of red onion
5 garlic sung
1 teaspoon coriander
3 pieces of hazelnut
1 teaspoon pepper powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 centimeters turmeric fuel
3 centimeters ginger

Supplementary material :
100 grams of short sprouts , wash , pour hot water - drained
3 hard-boiled eggs , cut into 2
2 stalks celery , finely cut
fried onions
soy sauce
lime , sliced ​​so 4 parts

Cayenne chili sauce ( mix )
17 pieces of cayenne pepper , cut into thin strips
75 ml soy sauce favorites
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon of fried onions

How to make soto kudus :
Once the chicken is cleaned , cut to 4 parts then boiled until half cooked .
Saute ground spices until fragrant then put the chicken into the stew along with the bay leaves plus lemongrass .
Stir then simmer over medium heat until the chicken is cooked or until tender , do not forget to taste . Turn off the stove
Remove the chicken , drain and then deep-fried and then diuwir ( use a fork ) , aside .
presentation : Place the sprouts in a bowl , then shredded chicken and egg slices . Furthermore flush his soup broth .
Last sprinkle celery plus fried onions . Furthermore serve with chilli sauce and lemon slices in a separate container

good luck

Soto Lamongan

Soto Lamongan East Java as one of the authentic Indonesian cuisine is quite popular both in the real and virtual world .

Soto Lamongan

for those of you who want to present the lunch menu for the family at home can see how to make soup recipe information lamongan following .

Ingredients :
1 medium sized chicken , chicken pieces can also be chicken
5 hard-boiled chicken eggs
2 ¼ liter of water
Cooking oil for frying
2 quarts chicken broth
6 pieces of orange leaves
1 stalk lemongrass ( white part ) , crushed
salt to taste
sugar Moderation

Bumbu Soto Lamongan ( mashed )
10 spring onions
6 cloves of garlic
4 items hazelnut
2 segment finger ginger
2 segment finger turmeric

Supplementary material :
3 packs of glass noodles , pour hot water until soft , drained
6 sheets of white cabbage , sliced ​​lengthwise
150 grams bean sprouts , wash
2 stalks celery , thinly sliced
2 medium red tomato fruit
fried onions
Sambal , can see in the previous post here

How to Make Soto Lamongan :
Boil chicken until boiling , strain the broth then bring to a boil again until the remaining 2 liters of water , set aside.
Prepare oil , fried chicken was boiled briefly , remove and drain . And when it is cold the chicken into small disuwir .
Heat oil for sauteing spices , lemon grass and lime leaves until fragrant .
Enter stir into broth seasoning , add salt and sugar , and cook until done
Serve with other complementary materials and siwiran chicken that has been fried

Thank you for stopping by and see one of our posts about chicken soup recipe Lamongan . May be useful .

Soto Daging

Soto Daging understandably dominated by meat , if that would be added jerohan beef can also be done but this will add time to the process of workmanship as to clean the cow jerohan . Instead kaldunya increasingly feel that aroma can also use a Reinforcement or ribs . Let us listen completely recipes and how to make this beef soto

Soto Daging
Soto Daging Recipe

Materials / seasoning beef soto :

½ kg beef (choose the myopic sandung / sengkel )
½ kilogram Bones Iga
4 kaffir lime leaves , discard the bones
3 teaspoons of salt
3 tablespoons of cooking oil , for frying
3 centimeters ginger , crushed
2 pieces of leaves
2 stalks lemongrass , take bonggolnya / white part , crushed
½ tablespoon granulated sugar
Enough water to boil the meat

Condiments ( chopped ) :
9 cloves garlic
3 cloves shallots
4 items hazelnut , toasted
1 vertebra turmeric finger , burned
1 segment finger ginger , crushed
½ tablespoon coriander
½ teaspoon finely ground pepper

Complementary material :
Garlic fries for distribution
Celery and onion sufficiently fine sliced ​​for topping
Col. sufficiently soft dirajang
Adequately sprouts , scalded , drained
Soun adequately flush the hot water , drained
2 red tomatoes , sliced

Cayenne chilli ( finely chopped ) :
17 red chili sauce , boiled
3 cloves garlic, boiled
1 clove onion, boiled
¼ teaspoon salt

How to Make Soto Daging
Stew beef , Reinforcement , bay leaves, lemongrass , galangal and lime leaves until the meat is tender and the water remaining ± 2 ½ liters. lift the meat , cut into cubes or to taste
Heat oil , saute ground spices until fragrant , remove and put into sauce braised beef stock. Boil back to a boil . Sample .
Pick up and ready served

Catering suggestions :
Prepare a bowl, add cabbage , bean sprouts , glass noodles and sliced ​​tomatoes
Flush with gravy and meat soto
Enjoy with sauce cayenne pepper

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Gulai Ikan

You certainly usually buff fish that we often see fish mixed with fried or grilled . well here we try to give that fish curry recipe . in addition to healthier because steamed , also the other creations from fish processing . especially if we have a material that is fresh fish , we simply refer to below .

Process goulash recipe carp
Gold fish curry Ingredients :

  1. 500 gr of fresh carp , cleaned, chopped 3 parts
  2. 1 pc lemon , take water
  3. 500 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut
  4. 2 bay leaves
  5. 3 pieces of orange
  6. 1 stalk lemongrass , white part , crushed
  7. 2 pcs kandis acid
  8. 50 grams of green beans , cut into pieces 3 cm
  9. Salt , sugar to taste

Subtle Seasonings :
- 8 red onions
- 5 cloves garlic
- 3 cm turmeric
- 2 cm ginger
- 4 cm galangal
- 1 teaspoon salt

How to Make Recipes Gulai Ikan Mas :

  1. Sprinkle fish with lemon juice , leave to infuse for 30 minutes , drain .
  2. Boil coconut milk with spices , bay leaves , lime leaves , lemon grass , kandis acid while stirring occasionally .
  3. Enter the fish , cook until done . Add long beans . Add salt , sugar .
  4. Cook until sauce thickens , remove from heat.
  5. serve

Good luck at home .

Rendang Egg

Recipe rendang egg or eggs are also commonly referred to as seasoning rendang . The material is very easy to find so it can be used as a quick and practical recipes . Alternatively , you can also use quail eggs ( just adjust the recipe ) . Let's please just listened rendang recipe menu that we present today .

Rendang Eggs and Delicious Recipes Made Quick
Rendang Eggs Recipe

Rendang eggs this one could be a variation of cooking at home , if yesterday 've tried the beef rendang recipe now turn to the other . There really is not an absolute must is round , which has diceplok also be used as flavoring egg dishes is rendang . Let us refer to the recipe and how to make rendang egg follows .

Ingredients :

Item 8 hard-boiled eggs , peeled
500 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut fruit
1 turmeric leaf sheet , make a slip knot
2 bay leaves
Chicken flavor , taste
Cooking oil to taste

Seasonings ( mashed ) :

4 pieces chili curly
1 large red chilli fruit
1 centimeter ginger
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 stalk lemongrass , white part
1 centimeter galangal
1 teaspoon of coriander powder
7 pieces of red onion
6 cloves of garlic
4 items hazelnut

How to make rendang egg

After all peeled , fried until golden brown all or skinned . remove and drain
Stir-fry all the spices , add turmeric and bay leaves . Stir-fry until fragrant
Enter the coconut milk and flavoring, mix well
Cook until sauce shrink and oily , lift .
Tara had finished cooking ..

Green Chili Sauce Recipe

Green chilli paste sauce is one of the most unique , because different rough appearance with soy sauce which is just sliced ​​just cabenya . But that this would indeed be very different , and it still looks rough shape cabenya . He .. His name is also characteristic , and to be more clear this time we have prepared the recipe and how to make the desert green chilli paste

Ingredients :
250 grams of large green peppers , remove the stems
50 grams of green chili ( spicy for more results )
4 spring onions
3 teaspoons of cooking oil , for frying
2 cloves of garlic
2 green tomatoes
½ teaspoon lemon juice
Sugar to taste
salt to taste

How to Make Green Chili Sauce
Roughly chop the green chili and green chili
Then steamed green chili and green chili along with red onions , tomatoes , and garlic about 5 minutes . lift
If it is withered , the above ingredients are roughly mashed . Try mashing the time , all the ingredients mixed perfectly .
Prepare the cooking oil and fry all ingredients until soft and fragrant smell .
Finally add the sugar , lemon juice and salt to stir and mix well . Continue to cook until completely cooked .
Lift the sauce and serve with other dishes .

So ... for the typical chili lovers this field does not need much farther into the desert or into the desert eating can make yourself by looking at the green chili sauce recipe desert

Beef Rendang Padang

Ingredients shady :

1 kg of fresh beef and lean better
10 cups coconut milk elderly , ± 3 coconuts

Spices beef rendang :

2 pieces of turmeric leaves , make a knot
2 kaffir lime leaves , lower leaves removed
2 tamarind
1 stalk lemongrass , dimemarkan / digeprek
Salt kitchen , ample
Spices shady ( mashed ) :
100 grams of minced red chili , chili can also use a strong need to process
13 cloves shallot
8 cloves garlic
4 Pecan
1 centimeter ginger
1 ½ centimeters laos , digeprek / dimemarkan

How to Make Beef Rendang

Clean first and then cut into pieces of lean beef to taste / needs . set aside
Rebuslah coconut milk in a pan using medium heat , put in the spices that have been mashed , lime leaves , turmeric leaves and tamarind
Boiled in coconut milk and spices is still stirring so as not to break until thickened
Once boiled remove the oil, add the beef pieces were dpotong
Last and is part of the core : mixed and stirred continuously , not to stop until sauce is quite dry and shady brown and tender meat
Pick up and ready served

Enjoy special beef rendang rice field with green chili sauce warm , and do not forget the veggies to counter the effects of cholesterol meat. Oops .. safe to try to make based on beef rendang recipe